Commercial Development & Regeneration

Advising developers, funders and landowners on commercial developments from acquisition to disposal.

We advise on all aspects of commercial developments from site inception and assembly through to acquisition, funding, construction and development and then disposal.

The team’s experience spans commercial developments within a range of sectors including commercial and industrial, retail and leisure, mixed-use schemes and energy and waste as well as large scale and complex property developments and urban regeneration projects.

We can advise on the full range of legal issues that are part of delivering commercial developments from providing strategic planning advice and funding advice through development agreements and construction contracts to estate set up and freehold and leasehold sales.
We work with our clients to understand their proposals and what they want to achieve from developments of both urban and rural sites. We will also work closely with specialists across the firm including those in banking, construction, environmental, planning and tax to provide you with a comprehensive service and the expertise you need to deliver a successful commercial development that achieves your commercial objectives.

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Our team will be responsive and accessible – a valued partner ready to assist you every step of the way.

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