Infrastructure & project finance

Getting the finance in place for the long term to support the delivery of major infrastructure projects.  

We have extensive experience advising clients on the financing tools that can be used to help fund large infrastructure projects across a number of sectors and on major projects in areas like construction, energy & regeneration.
Infrastructure finance can provide the funding needed for developments like water treatment systems, energy from waste facilities, renewable energy projects, coastal development projects or hospitals construction. It typically involves a mix of funding sources, which can include government, banks and other investors.
Project finance involves setting up a project company or special purpose vehicle to manage infrastructure projects, this entity can then be used to secure the finance needed based on cash flow, assets and likely revenue streams. 

We can advise on securing project financing including equity and debt financing, and infrastructure finance where that is the right tool to ensure the long-term funds are in place to deliver projects at scale.  We can draw on a wide range of expertise across the team as well as on other specialisms and sector insights from across the firm to deliver the right solution grounded in an understanding of the likely challenges that delivering infrastructure developments can face. 

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