Working with clients to put in place robust contracts that reflect expectations, meet requirements and deliver successful project outcomes.
Our team of experienced construction contract lawyers can help protect your interests and assist you with preparing and negotiating robust contracts together with ancillary security documentation. We understand the complexities of construction law and are committed to providing our clients with the legal guidance and support they need to navigate the process.
We have experience advising on, amending and negotiating, a wide range of standard form contracts, including JCT, NEC, IChemE, FIDIC and MF/1, and can provide guidance on the various clauses and provisions that may impact your project, ultimately creating a contract that accurately reflects your expectations and requirements.
Having carefully worded and robust contracts in place helps reduce the risk of problems happening further into your construction project, but where disputes do arise, we are on hand to work on reaching the best possible outcome for your project.
With years of experience representing employers, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers in the construction industry, we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to provide you with effective legal solutions.
Carl Thompson
Partner and Head of Construction
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