What happens to your business when you die?

read time: 2 min

We are all human and whether we like it or not, (and despite our best endeavours to side step the Grim Reaper), we will all one day die. 

I agree, this is not a factor which we are usually comfortable acknowledging, or indeed a subject we like discussing, but is important that we do ensure that appropriate plans and documents are put in place to deal with our estate on our demise.

Dealing with the death of a loved one is difficult enough, and can be even more challenging if the death of that individual has ramifications for a business.

Business owners should therefore take advice and ensure that succession plans are put in place in plenty of time.  Leaving matters too  late could otherwise have regrettable consequences.

Link to related article: www.ft.com/content/224c069e-f007-11e9-a55a-30afa498db1b?FTCamp=engage/CAPI//Channel_Manzama//B2B

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