Resolution Together – One Couple, One Lawyer

Our trained lawyers can help you navigate your separation as a couple as amicably as possible.

The Resolution Together, One Couple, One Lawyer method helps our team assist you and your partner together to find a resolution. This means you will not need to hire separate lawyers, promoting collaboration and communication between you and your partner. We’ll work with you to help you navigate your separation, to identify your mutual objectives and to engage any third parties we may need to help work towards a mutual agreement.

This service can support divorcing couples who aim to reach an amicable resolution, with one lawyer supporting the couple. We’ll sit round a table with you both and help you navigate what is best for you and your family, supported by legal advice.

The approach differs to more traditional practices because you jointly instruct one lawyer. This means you’ll both receive the same advice at the same time, which can reduce conflict and promote constructive, respectful discussions.

Benefits of the service:

  • You’ll focus on the best interests of the family rather than winning points or being overly positional. 
  • It’s a non-adversarial process which should deliver an outcome that you each feel is fair.
  • It’s a time efficient process, you both choose when you meet and the issues you would like to focus on. 
  • It encourages a cooperative approach and eliminates the feeling of competition. 
  • It’s a great option for couples who want to work amicably, with dignity and who believe their differences can be resolved with some support, but are aligned in terms of your overall objective. 

If you’re both willing to be open and honest with sharing all relevant financial and information, you’re emotionally ready to work together to solve problems and you both feel able to take part fully and freely then this may be the option for you. See the FAQs below for more details of when it may not be suitable.

How does it work?

If you think this might work for you, you will have an individual screening meeting with one of our Resolution Together lawyers. This screening meeting will identify if this is a suitable process for you on an individual basis first and to ascertain if you could engage in the Resolution Together process effectively or if there were any concerns. Your spouse or partner will then be invited to a separate screening meeting to run through the same process.  

Once this assessment is complete, if the process is right for you, a retainer will be signed and you can begin to share any relevant financial or factual information. There will then be an initial joint meeting where it will be explained again what Resolution Together is and how it might work for you and you’ll be asked to sign an agreement which sets out the foundations of this unique process.

Further meetings will be tailored around the issues identified by you both as needing to be resolved. It’s in these meetings that we may also bring in other professionals to advise on specific points such as tax, pensions, financial advice, business or property valuations, coaches, family neutrals or independent social workers, a mediator or other experts. The discussions will be facilitated by your jointly instructed lawyer who will also be on hand to advise and answer questions. 

Once you’ve reached a mutual agreement, the lawyer can advise on how to make this binding. This process can also potentially work well alongside mediation you’re undertaking elsewhere.

Myth busting


What do I do next?

If you’d like to find out more about Resolution Together, please click the button below to contact the team who will be happy to help.

We are lawyers you can count on to deliver. Our team will be responsive and accessible – a valued partner ready to assist you every step of the way.

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