Public Sector Bulletin - 12 February 2016



Amending Claims in the Employment Tribunal: Procedural Considerations

The Employment Tribunal has the power to allow Claimants in the Employment Tribunal to amend their claims. This power is exercised as a judicial discretion, taking into account all the relevant circumstances, including relevance, reason, justice and fairness.

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Personal Injury

Abusive foster parents - limiting liability for local authorities

Foster parents are clearly not "employed" by the local authority as they are not staff working in children's homes.  Neither is the relationship between foster parents and the authority "akin to employment" similar to the more recent cases of abuse involving ministers, priests and lay preachers. What, then, is the liability of local authorities in relation to the actions of foster parents who abuse the children they have placed in their care?

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Stark reminder on the realities of the remedies available for breach of the public procurement rules

Two recent procurement cases provide a useful reminder on the realities of the range of remedies available to the Courts for breaches of the public procurement rules. 

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