The Government has today (18 January) published a series of clarification Q and A's for those submitting Freeports Bids.
The Questions and Answers run to 22 pages and cover a range of topics under the headings below. All those submitting Freeports Bids should read the clarifications in full.
- Overview
- Policy and Objectives
- Timings
- Assessing Bids
- Geography
- Multiple Ports
- Other Geographic Queries
- Customs
- Duties and Boundaries
- Number and Readiness
- Processes
- Operators
- Tax
- Tax Site Boundaries
- Underdeveloped Sites
- Adjusting Boundaries
- Eligibility
- Regeneration
- Planning
- Innovation
- Governance
- Overarching Governance
- Per-Freeport Governance
- Letters of Support
- Security
- Annex
- Hypothetical Tax site examples
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