Rachel Bufton



Rachel is an Associate Solicitor in the Trusts and Estates team. Rachel Qualified as a Solicitor in 2018. Rachel is in the process of undertaking her STEP diploma in Trusts and Estates and expects to obtain TEP status by the end of 2024.

Rachel undertakes a broad spectrum of private client work and is experienced in all aspects of wills, trusts, powers of attorney and estate administration.

Rachel also acts for individual and business clients in relation to tax efficient estate planning. Prior to joining Ashfords, Rachel worked for a firm in Monmouthshire where she assisted a number of agricultural and high net worth clients.

Relevant experience

  • Wills: Rachel has a number of years experience in advising clients in relation to Wills and drafting Wills including Wills which incorporate trust structures. Rachel also advises her clients in relation to the taxation implications of their proposed Will structures. 
  • Estates: Adivsing both lay and professional Executors in relation to Probate/Letters of Administration and handling taxable and non taxable estates. Rachel regularly deals with estates which include agricultural and business interests. Rachel also has many years of experience in handling estates where the deceased's Will included a Trust structure. 
  • Estate Planning: Advising clients in relation to their inheritance tax position and assisting them with strategic estate planning to ensure they are able to mitigate their tax liability and safeguard their assets for future generations, where possible.
  • Trusts: Rachel is a confident and capable Trust advisor, having obtained a distinction in the STEP Trusts exam. Rachel can advise clients in relation to the various trust structures available and the taxation of such trusts.

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